The holiday season is an exciting time of year. The prospect of eating too much turkey, logging the first days of the season at the resort, and spending valuable time with family are among the best things this introductory month to winter has to offer us. Though, the start of the Aerials World Cup tour might be the most exciting for me, no offense family.
From April to the middle of December my teammates and I train nonstop to hone in our skills and make micro adjustments to our form and technique in preparation for what is now approaching; our favorite time of year. All the hard work, frustrations, sore backs, and moments of glory finally have the chance to shine. In less than two weeks we will log several thousand frequent flyer miles, as we are headed to Beijing, China for the first World Cup of the year.

Every event of the season brings a mix of emotions – excitement, nerves, frustration; but all those emotions are magnified for this one. The excitement is at an all time high for obvious reasons. Some of my fondest memories are from events like this with my teammates and friends that I compete with from all around the world. It’s no big secret that you clearly have to be a special person to want to chuck yourself 60 feet into the air off of a 72º, 4.2 meter tall kicker at an upwards of 45 mph. As you can imagine, this mutual desire keeps us pretty close, whether you’re American, Swiss, Canadian, or Chinese.
We train to compete and try to be the best in the world. Finally the opportunity to do so has arrived and I could not be anymore excited. This will be an exciting winter and I encourage you to follow my teammates and I as we travel around the world doing what we love. For more up to date photos, results, etc., follow my Facebook page.