Wow, thank you to everyone for making this winter so amazing! I had so many amazing experiences I am so thankful for. Having the opportunity to compete in two World Cup competitions, Lake Placid and Deer Valley, was a huge step for me. I have to admit, being able to compete for the USA at the Junior World Championships in Italy was the highlight of my winter. It was such an incredible experience, and a great trip. Seeing and competing with all the other top juniors from around the world was really cool for us. Just simply being in Italy was incredible! It was a beautiful place, and certainly filled with lots of delicious homemade pasta and Nutella crepes! After our very quick, and successful trip to Italy, we flew straight back to the States to compete in the US National Championships in Vermont. With mother nature fighting against us the entire time, we questioned whether the event was going to happen. Through a little rain and a few days of 80 degree heat, we pulled it off. The rain didn’t hold us back! The conditions were very tough and all of the athletes did the best job they could to deal with it. They actually built us a scaffolding ramp at the very top of the in run so we could get more speed because there was not enough snow to make it any longer. I was very excited to close out the season with a 3rd at Nationals in Vermont. It’s now time to kick back and relax for a few weeks! I have the next three weeks off, before our summer training starts back up. In the mean time check out some of the pictures I’ve posted and this great video from the Junior Worlds in Italy!…….One of my jumps is shown at 38 seconds in.